The services we offer at PJ Martin Farriery are as varied as the horses we shoe. We know every horse is different, so we shoe/trim each one based on individual requirements.
Assessing your horse dynamically and statically, we can make remedial/therapeutic shoes to help your horse maximise its potential. We can also liaise with your vet where required, working with the aid of x-rays or scans, allowing a fuller understanding of your horse’s needs. We regularly treat a variety of hoof and limb abnormalities, with a variety of materials… shoes don’t just have to be made from steel!
The vast majority of our day-to-day shoeing takes place out and about at yards, providing a convenient, efficient service. There is also the option for you to come to us at our forge where we have everything to make bespoke shoes for your horse.
We also offer a trimming service, whether it is a one-day old foal that needs some attention or a field companion.